Do you crave adventure and long to visit countries far away but the thought of a long flight just gives you stress? You’re not alone. Here at VIVE Travel, we specialize in group travel to exotic locations. Many of the trips we lead are in Asia and the Middle East. These flights require multiple stops from the USA and lots of air time!
One of the most common questions we get from our clients is “ How do you endure these long flights?”
Never fear, we have been taking these long haul flights for years and have some tips that can not only help you “survive” the flight, but fall in love with air travel.
Let’s get started with our expert tips:
Pre game
be sure to hydrate the night BEFORE you fly.
Limit the Alcohol
We are all about the Champagne Lifestyle here at VIVE but alcohol can make you feel crappy when traveling. One or two cocktails are fine to help you relax for a mile high snooze but be sure to hydrate with water for the remaining hours.
Compression Socks
It’s a great idea to put these on at the start of your flight to prevent swelling and keep healthy circulation during your time in the sky. We know, they’re not the most comfortable, so you can always take them off for breaks. But still, a must-have for long flights!
Elevate Your Feet
You can rest your feet on your carryon bag under the seat in front of you or get a travel foot rest on Amazon. This helps to promote healthy blood circulation and preven back pain from sitting long hours.
Get Moving
It’s important to get up and walk the plane every hour. You can usually find a nice empty spot near the bathrooms or back of the plane to do some standing yoga stretches. This is always a fun way to meet fellow travelers who are up doing the same thing. The time passes faster and you never know what fun conversations you’ll have with travelers from around the world.
Be sure to check the entertainment screen during your flight. In addition to tv shows and movies, you’ll often find videos that guide you through stretches you can do at your seat.
Facial Sprays
It’s no secret that flying dries out your skin. Mineral Water Spray helps lock in necessary moisture. Millions of tiny micro-droplets from the spray are instantly absorbed into your skin, quenching your thirsty face.. It is SO refreshing a few hours into your flight! Evian makes a popular travel size and you can easily find them on Amazon.
Ladies, limit the amount of make up / foundation you wear too. After a few hours, you’ll feel cakey. Keep the skin as natural as possible and spray away!
Brush Your Teeth
Most airlines will provide a disposable toothbrush kit to freshen up mid flight. Take advantage of this! Use bottled water to rinse in the bathroom. This along with your facial spray a few times during the flight are heavenly . Plus, they don’t take up much room in your carry on.
Go Easy on the Eating
Avoid eating super salty or sugary foods. Avoid heavy meals. The lighter you eat, the lighter you’ll feel. You can always have a nice comfort meal once you arrive at your destination.
Enjoy light snacks
If you’re traveling on an airline that offers meal selections, opt for the Asian Vegetarian Meal. These usually have less sodium and include vegetables. ( Qatar Airways + Emirates are two of our favorites. )
Binge a Series
We find that binging a TV series helps time fly by even faster than watching movies. You can download your favorite series onto a device before your travel day or explore the entertainment offerings on the plane.
Reading a book is great too! There are thousands of books you can download before your travel day. Reading often helps you get sleepy faster than watching movies so even if you’re not much into reading, this would be a great time to make an exception. You can also choose a book that is based on the destination you are visiting to add to the excitement.
Oldie but a goodie – for example, read “Eat, Pray, Love “ by Elizabeth Gilbert on the way to Bali!
Upgrade Your Seat
Not flying Business or First Class? Many airlines like Delta are now offering “Premium Economy” Seats which include reclining seats with built in leg rests and wider pitch for comfort. This investment is well worth the added comfort. ( The seats often come with Priority Boarding too! )
Just Chill Out
When was the last time you were able to have time all to yourself? Family, jobs and obligations rule our lives. Think of these few hours as an “escape from it all. “ Enjoy movies and snacks and maybe even a much deserved nap.
Remember, no matter how much discomfort you still have to “endure “ this is such a small sacrifice you make to get to explore the other side of this beautiful planet that we live on.
For more tips or to learn about our upcoming Group Tours, follow us on Instagram and Facebook @vivesociety We make travel easy for you!